meet our ceo
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Haus 51. As you navigate our website, I hope you learn more about how our values are at the heart of everything we do. Haus 51 is my dream, and I am grateful to everyone who is a part of its success.
In the many years I have dedicated to UAE real estate, I have been fortunate to witness great progression in the industry and the emergence of maturity in the way that real estate is managed here. It is our mission at Haus 51 to deliver professionalism across all aspects of our work, and to share our knowledge and expertise freely with buyers, sellers, lessees and lessors alike.
In bringing our experience to Haus 51, we are building a dynamic and progressive company that will become one of the leading real estate brokerages in the UAE, a title that can only be claimed through professional excellence and an in-depth understanding of the supply and demand industry dynamics.
If we have learned anything during 2020, it is that we can achieve, we can adapt, and we can reconnect, even in the most challenging of environments. At Haus 51, we are redefining the standards for real estate in the UAE where our customers, our team and our stakeholders are at the forefront of each transaction, and we promise to deliver with integrity, with transparency and above all, with a passion for what we do.
Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way and the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy…
Ahmed Elshafei